
Toys from Knitty

I can't believe it! I forgot to list Pasha the penguin with my completed projects post while back. Pasha is a free pattern at Knitty. I remember her because I was finishing up Norberta the dragon and she needed somewhere to live. I don't really have the kind of house that allows space for stuffed toy decorations, so I put them on the bookcase. This are fun, fast projects that let me practice shaping but don't require a big commitment. However, after finishing Norberta, I am seriously considering going to the store and getting better colored cotton yarn to make a nice version of her as a gift for someone. I think they are just adorable, perhaps I will give them to my little cousin. (or selfishly keep them forever on my bookshelf)


Knitty Gritty Thoughts said...

Awe they are so cute - great job!

Jen said...

These are sooooo darling!